Adventures in Wild Space: The Steal/The Heist


Author: Cavan Scott

Time: 18 BBY, a year after the events of Revenge of the Sith. The Empire is beginning its rule.

Place: Lothal, which is in the Outer Rim, not Wild Space.

Lina and Milo Graf's parents are still missing. They were abducted by the Empire. The Graf kids have been trying to find someone to help them track down the Imperial Captain Visler Korda. In the previous book, they heard an anti-Imperial transmission and discovered its source: Lothal. They hope that they will finally find a responsible adult on this planet.

When they land in Lothal's Capital City (I hate that the capital is called Capital City!), the children are greeted by a shady Devaronian dude named Cikatro Vizago. You might know him from Star Wars Rebels. In this book, he's not the Lothal crime lord yet. He works for a Mon Calamari named Rask Odai, who runs his smuggling business out of the Twin Horns Storage facility. By the way, it's in this story that Cikatro breaks his horn in this book and forms the Broken Horn Syndicate.

Rask Odai collects artifacts from the Old Republic. The head of the Grafs' droid, CR-8R, apparently fits  into this collection. Just how old is CR-8R's head?? It couldn't possibly be from the Old Republic.  Ignoring this dubious history, Rask takes CR-8R's head and kicks the children out. This head is super important to the Grafs. It contains some encrypted information that their mother sent as she was being kidnapped. It might contain information about their whereabouts or where to get help.

The kids head back to their spaceship, where they see a "food truck" parked next door. The food truck is owned by a super friendly woman named Shalla Mondatha. She feeds them for free and offers to help them infiltrate Twin Horns Storage and take back CR-8R's head. They manage to do so successfully. Lina and Milo escape through the sewers and find their way to the home of Mira and Ephraim Bridger, and their newborn son Ezra. If you had any knowledge of Rebels before reading this book, you probably would have guessed that they are the source of the transmission.

The kids don't want to endanger the Bridgers by staying there. But they are warned that Captain Korda has hired a bounty hunter named The Shade to capture the Grafs. The Shade's identity is unknown, but they immediately recognize the ship--it's the food truck! When the Graf kids return to their ship, they are confronted by the Shade, who turns out to be Shalla herself. She captures them. The book ends with Shalla taking Lina and Milo to Captain Korda to claim her bounty. Ephraim Bridger contacts Governor Ryder Azadi to plan a rescue.


  • "Stand up for what you believe, not what the Emperor tells you to think. You were born free. Hold on to that. Treasure it."
  • "Today's specials are Melahnese red curry, Melahnese green curry, and Melahnese yellow curry."
Final Judgment: 4 out of 5 duramentium walls. The heist was exciting and creative. I love a good betrayal, and Shalla Mondatha is an interesting villain. I hope we learn more about her. She mentioned a daughter who was all grown up and having adventures across the galaxy. I wonder if we've met her before...


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