Welcome to the Bespin Book Club!

I've always been a fan of the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

I don't know what drew me to the EU. Maybe I loved Star Wars so much that I felt a need to consume everything I could find related to the franchise. Or maybe I just loved cheesy science fiction books--trust me, there was a lot of bad fanfiction in the EU and I adored every single thing I read, no matter how awful it was.

Remember when the three-eyed (imposter) son of Emperor Palpatine fell in love with Princess Leia, so the Jedi Prince named Ken had to replace Leia with the Leia II droid before the wedding?

But now I'm an adult. I realize that some things should really be left in the past, and that includes the old Star Wars canon. 

In 2014, LucasFilm announced that the entire Expanded Universe canon would be rebranded Star Wars Legends. The only things moving into the "new" official Star Wars Canon would be the six original films and the Clone Wars movie and TV series. From that point, anything new that was published would be considered part of the Canon.

Since this is basically a big reset button, I thought it would be fun to try keeping up with all of the new Canon books and comics. I did it for about a year before I got too busy with life. I'd like to go back and try to catch up on the past few years' worth of Canon releases.

That's where this blog comes in. I hope it will help me stay motivated and keep track of the things I read. I know nobody's actually reading this, but maybe one day I'll go back and see how foolish I was to undertake this journey into the new expanded universe.

May the Force be with me...


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